How to Add Copyright Notice and Conference Name in IEEE Conference Latex Template
After sending the acceptance notification, most of the IEEE conferences ask authors to add a copyright notice at the left footer and the conference name at the right header position of the first page in the manuscript. In this tutorial, I note the required code to do that.
Code for Copyright Notice and Conference Name
{\footnotesize xxx-x-xxxx-xxxx-x/xx/\$31.00~\copyright~2018 IEEE\hfill} % <--- Change here
\parbox{0.5\textwidth}{\raggedleft\fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont #1}}
\title{Your Paper Title goes right Here}
\conf{International Conference on XXXXX, XXXX and XXXXX (ICXXX) 14-16 November, 2018} % Change according to their suggestion
\author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Author I\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Author II\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}, Author III\IEEEauthorrefmark{3}, and Author IV\IEEEauthorrefmark{4}}
\IEEEauthorblockA{Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, University of X,
Country X\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}\\
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Y, Country Y\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}\IEEEauthorrefmark{3}\\
Institute of Information Technology, University of Z, Country Z\IEEEauthorrefmark{4}\\
Email: authorI\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, authorII\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}, authorIII\IEEEauthorrefmark{3},
Abstract goes here
Introduction here
\section{Literature Overview}
Background or existing work summaries \cite{roy2017combined}
Methodology explained here
\section{Implementation and Result}
Graphs or outputs here
Significance, Limitations, and Future works here
Conclusion here
\bibliography{References} % Using Bibtex for References.bib
% that's all folks
You will find the code in Overleaf
The output will look like the following-

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