Add Custom Headers to Python Files in Seconds using VSCode Editor
We often need to add custom header to our code files. Here is how to add that header as a template in seconds.
Example Code Header
Here is an example code header for python.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-
@File : <file_name>.py
@Time : 2021/05/16 18:38:01
@Author : <author_name>
@Version : 1.0
@Contact : <author_email>
@License : (C)Copyright 2020-2021, <author/company>
@Desc : <awaiting description>
Steps to Create User Snippet
- Select Code $\rightarrow$ Preferences $\rightarrow$ User Snippet
- Select
from the search box
- Add the following to the file (Modify based on your information)
"prefix": "header",
"body": [
"#!/usr/bin/env python",
"# -*-coding:utf-8 -*-",
"@File : $TM_FILENAME",
"@Author : Shanto Roy ",
"@Version : 1.0",
"@Contact :",
"@License : (C)Copyright 2020-2021, Shanto Roy",
"@Desc : None",
In a python file, start typing header
and the whole snippet will appear. Press enter and you are good to go.
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