1 minute read

I ran a program (python API) a few months ago, and I did not need to check it in the meantime. Then one day, some other developers who were using that API told me they no longer had access to it.

I was a bit shocked to learn that, as I did run it in the background on an AWS EC2 instance. Now, the question arises: can this happen again? We need a solution.

Supervisor is an excellent program that can do the job quite well. It can monitor if a particular process is continuously running or not. If stopped, it will automatically invoke the process again.

In this post, I will go through how to configure Supervisor on a Linux machine. In this scenario, I did it on my EC2 Ubuntu instance.

Step 1: Set Up Supervisor Configuration

  1. Create a Supervisor Configuration File: Navigate to the Supervisor configuration directory (usually /etc/supervisor/conf.d/) and create a .conf file for your Python script. For example, let’s name it my_script.conf.

    $ sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/my_script.conf
  2. Add Configuration Details: Inside my_script.conf, define the configuration details for your Python script.

    command=/path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/python /path/to/your/script.py
  • Replace /path/to/your/virtualenv with the path to your virtual environment.
  • Replace /path/to/your/script.py with the path to your Python script.
  • Update directory with the directory path where your script resides.
  • Set user to your Ubuntu username.
  • Modify log file paths (stderr_logfile and stdout_logfile) to your preferred locations.

Step 2: Update Supervisor and Start/Restart the Service

  1. Update Supervisor: After making changes to the configuration, update Supervisor.

    $ sudo supervisorctl reread
    $ sudo supervisorctl update
  2. Start/Restart Service: Start or restart Supervisor service.

    $ sudo systemctl restart supervisor


  • Ensure that Supervisor is installed and running on your Ubuntu system.
  • Replace placeholders like /path/to/your/ and your_username with your actual paths and username.
  • Activate your virtual environment before adding the Python script to Supervisor.
  • Monitor logs in the specified log files to troubleshoot issues (/var/log/my_python_script.err.log and /var/log/my_python_script.out.log).

This setup will ensure that your Python script runs continuously in the background and restarts automatically if it crashes or the system reboots. Adjust the configuration as needed for your specific use case.

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