4 minute read

As an SRE, DevOps Engineer, or Security Enthusiast, having a safe, controlled hacking lab is crucial for security research, penetration testing, and learning ethical hacking.

Using Docker Compose, we can quickly spin up:

  • βœ… Kali Linux for penetration testing
  • βœ… Metasploitable2 – A vulnerable OS to practice attacks
  • βœ… DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web App) – A web-based application with security flaws
  • βœ… OWASP Juice Shop – Another web app designed for security testing

Why Use Docker Compose for a Hacking Lab?

  • Fast & Repeatable – No need to install multiple VMs manually
  • Lightweight – Runs efficiently on any system with Docker installed
  • Isolated Environment – No risk to your main system
  • Networking Made Easy – All machines can communicate within a virtual network

Well, if we use virtualbox to set up the same lab, it would take a lot of efforts setting up the environments. First, you have to download the images, install on virtualbox or vmware, and then install the images.

Finally, we had to configure the machines and networking. Most of all, virtualbox would occupy significant amount of cpu, ram, or disk compared to running these on docker.

Setting Up the Hacking Lab

Step 1: Install Docker & Docker Compose

Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Test if Docker is working:

docker --version
docker-compose --version

πŸ“Œ Step 2: Create the docker-compose.yml File

Create a directory for the lab:

mkdir hacking-lab && cd hacking-lab

Create a docker-compose.yml file:

    image: kalilinux/kali-rolling
    container_name: kali
    tty: true
    stdin_open: true
    command: ["/bin/bash"]

    image: tleemcjr/metasploitable2
    container_name: metasploitable
    restart: always

    image: vulnerables/web-dvwa
    container_name: dvwa
    restart: always
      - "8081:80"

    image: bkimminich/juice-shop
    container_name: juice-shop
    restart: always
      - "3000:3000"

    driver: bridge
        - subnet:

Details of Vulnerable Systems

1. DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application)

Website: https://dvwa.co.uk


DVWA is a deliberately vulnerable PHP/MySQL web application designed for security professionals and students to practice web application security. It contains multiple security flaws categorized by difficulty levels (low, medium, high, and impossible) to help users learn and mitigate common vulnerabilities.

Common Vulnerabilities in DVWA:

  • SQL Injection (SQLi) – Exploit database queries
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) – Inject and execute JavaScript
  • Command Injection – Execute system commands
  • File Inclusion (LFI/RFI) – Read or execute files on the server
  • Broken Authentication – Exploit weak login mechanisms
  • Security Misconfiguration – Discover misconfigured settings
  • CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) – Perform unauthorized actions

How to Use:

  • Install using XAMPP, Docker, or a local LAMP/WAMP stack
  • Default credentials: admin / password
  • Use Burp Suite, SQLMap, and other tools to test vulnerabilities

2. Metasploitable

Website: https://docs.rapid7.com/metasploit/metasploitable-2/


Metasploitable is an intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine (VM) created by Rapid7 for security testing and Metasploit framework practice. It provides a realistic attack surface with various services running on open ports.

Common Vulnerabilities in Metasploitable:

  • Outdated software versions (Apache, MySQL, Samba, etc.)
  • Weak SSH and FTP credentials
  • Misconfigured database services (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
  • Vulnerable web applications (DVWA, Mutillidae, WebDAV, PHPMyAdmin)
  • Exploitable network services (Telnet, RMI, VSFTPD, etc.)
  • Remote Code Execution (RCE) opportunities

How to Use:

  • Download the VM and run it in VirtualBox or VMware
  • Scan with nmap to identify open ports and services
  • Use Metasploit (msfconsole) to exploit vulnerabilities
  • Practice privilege escalation and post-exploitation techniques

3. OWASP Juice Shop

Website: https://owasp.org/www-project-juice-shop/


Juice Shop is a modern, intentionally vulnerable web application developed using Node.js, Angular, and Express.js. It is an OWASP project that helps security enthusiasts learn web security concepts through a CTF-style challenge interface.

Common Vulnerabilities in Juice Shop:

  • Injection attacks (SQLi, NoSQLi, XSS)
  • Broken Authentication & Authorization (IDOR, OAuth issues)
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) & CSRF
  • Security misconfiguration (Exposed logs, misused JWT tokens)
  • Insecure storage of sensitive data
  • Business logic flaws

How to Use:

  • Run via Docker (docker run -p 3000:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop)
  • Access at http://localhost:3000
  • Solve challenges through hacking techniques (injection, brute force, IDOR, etc.)
  • Get hints and track progress using the built-in scoreboard

Comparison Table

Feature DVWA Metasploitable Juice Shop
Web-based βœ… βœ… (Has web apps) βœ…
Vulnerable Services ❌ βœ… (SSH, FTP, MySQL, etc.) ❌
Security Levels βœ… (Low, Medium, High, Impossible) ❌ ❌
Programming Language PHP, MySQL Various (Linux OS, services) Node.js, Angular
Best For Web security testing Metasploit practice, OS security Modern web app security, CTF challenges

Running the Hacking Lab

1. Start All Containers


docker-compose up -d

2. Verify Running Containers

docker ps

Expected output:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      PORTS                   NAMES
abc12345       kalilinux/kali-rolling      -                      kali
xyz67890       tleemcjr/metasploitable2    -                      metasploitable
mno45678       vulnerables/web-dvwa>80/tcp    dvwa
pqr98765       bkimminich/juice-shop>3000/tcp  juice-shop

Testing the Hacking Lab

1. Access the Kali Linux Container


docker exec -it kali /bin/bash

Now you’re inside a fully functional Kali Linux environment.

Install tools:

apt update && apt install -y nmap metasploit-framework sqlmap

2. Scan Metasploitable2 with Nmap

From inside the Kali container, run:

nmap -A

This will reveal open ports and services.

3. Test DVWA

Open http://localhost:8081 in your browser.

  • Username: admin
  • Password: password

4. Test OWASP Juice Shop

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Stopping and Cleaning Up

Stop the lab

docker-compose down

Remove volumes and images

docker-compose down -v
docker system prune -a

Final Thoughts

Docker Compose makes creating a penetration testing lab easy, fast, and repeatable. So, the primary benefits we have here are: βœ… No need for VirtualBox or VMWare
βœ… Easily add/remove services
βœ… Networking is automatically configured

Again, containerization makes the use of running a lab like this significantly easier and lighter where setting up the same on a virtualbox would consume significantly more resources from your computer.

Also, it’s significantly easier to remove the services here and additional networking configurations is not required at all making it significantly hasslefree.

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