Shanto Roy

Site Reliability Engineer · Charles Schwab · Southlake, Texas ·

I am a Site Reliability Engineer at Charles Schwab, leveraging my expertise in cloud infrastructure, automation, and security to enhance system reliability and operational efficiency. My work focuses on incident management, observability, vulnerability compliance, and infrastructure automation, ensuring seamless and scalable services.

Previously, I was a Ph.D. researcher and teaching assistant in Cyber Security at the University of Houston, where I worked on Adversarial Reconnaissance, Cyber Deception, and IoT Security. I have hands-on experience in Linux system administration, network security, and cloud technologies, with multiple Red Hat and cloud certifications.


Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

Charles Schwab, Southlake, TX, USA
  • Manage Red Hat and Windows servers across dev, non-prod, and production environments of 70+ applications
  • Provide on-call support as primary or secondary for critical issues and performed RCA for incident resolution
  • Collaborate with 20+ cross-functional teams to streamline IT processes and improve efficiency
  • Participate in disaster recovery planning and drills to ensure business continuity in case of emergencies
  • Conduct regular vulnerability assessments and applied patches to secure systems
  • Conduct load testing and capacity planning to ensure system scalability
  • Create and maintain comprehensive documentation for operational procedures, runbooks, and troubleshooting
  • Configure Grafana, Splunk, and Appdynamics to track system performance and troubleshoot issues proactively
  • Automate routine tasks using bash, powershell, salt, and python scripts to reduce manual effort
June, 2024 - Present

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) Intern

Charles Schwab, Westlake, TX, USA

I have worked on Infrastructure monitoring and security

June, 2023 - August, 2023

Teaching Assistant

Dept. of Computer Science, University of Houston, TX, USA

I helped the course teachers with mentoring students, developing course materials, assessing and grading students

January, 2022 - May, 2024

Research Assistant

Dept. of Computer Science, University of Houston, TX, USA

I was actively researching on Cyber Security in the Resilient Network and Systems (RNS) Lab under the supervision of Dr. Aron Laszka.

September, 2019 - December, 2021

Senior Lecturer

Dept. of CSE, Green University of Bangladesh

Responsibilities include conducting classes, doing research works, mentoring and supervising students, developing course contents and syllabuses, and conducting regular Industrial visits.

September, 2018 - July, 2019


Dept. of CSE, Green University of Bangladesh

Responsibilities include conducting classes, doing research works, mentoring and supervising students, developing course contents and syllabuses, and conducting regular Industrial visits.

May, 2016 - August, 2018



  1. Shanto Roy, Nazia Sharmin, Jamie C. Acosta, Christopher Kiekintveld, and Aron Laszka, "Survey and Taxonomy of Adversarial Reconnaissance Techniques" ACM Computing Surveys, 2023
  2. Jenia Afrin Jeba, Shanto Roy, Mahbub-Or-Rashid, Syeda Tanjila Atique, and Md. Whaiduzzaman, "Towards Green Cloud Computing: An Algorithmic Approach for Energy Minimization in Cloud Data Centers", International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC), 9(1), 2019, pages: 59-81.
  3. Kaium Hossain, Mizanur Rahman, and Shanto Roy, "IoT Data Compression and Optimization Techniques in Cloud- Current Prospects and Future Directions", International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC), 9(2), 2019, pages: 43-59.
  4. Md. Jahidul Islam, Md. Mahin, Ayesha Khatun, Shanto Roy, Sumaiya Kabir and Biplab Chandra Debnath, “A Comprehensive Data Security and Forensic Investigation Framework for Cloud-IoT Ecosystem”, Green University of Bangladesh Journal of Science and Engineering (GUBJSE), Volume 1, Issue 1, July 2018.
  5. Ahmedur Rahman Shovon, Shanto Roy, Tanusree Sharma, and Md. Whaiduzzaman, " RESTful E-Governance Application Framework for People Identity Verification in Cloud", International Conference on Cloud Computing - 2018, Seattle, USA.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Afiya Ayman, Shanto Roy, Amin Alipour and Aron Laszka, "Smart Contract Development from the Perspective of Developers: Topics and Issues Discussed on Social Media", 4th Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts, (WTSC 2019).
  2. Ahmed Iqbal Pritom, Mehrab Zaman Chowdhury, Joy Protim, Shanto Roy, Md Rashedur Rahman, and Sadia Mehnaz Promi, "Combining Movement Model with Finger-Stroke Level Model Towards Designing a Security Enhancing Mobile Friendly CAPTCHA", 9th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2020).
  3. Md. Jahidul Islam, Md. Mahin, Shanto Roy, Biplab Chandra Debnath, and Ayesha Khatun, "DistBlackNet: A Distributed Secure Black SDN-IoT Architecture with NFV Implementation for SmartCities", International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE 2019).
  4. MD. Mahmudur Rahman, Shanto Roy, and Mohammad Abu Yousuf, "DDoS Mitigation and Intrusion Prevention in Content Delivery Networks using Distributed Virtual Honeypots", International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT 2019).
  5. Ahmedur Rahman Shovon, Shanto Roy, Arnab Kumar Shil, and Tanjila Atik, "GDPR Compliance: Implementation Use Cases for User Data Privacy in News Media Industry", International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology (ICASERT 2019).
  6. Suranjan Talukder, Shanto Roy, and Tamim Al Mahmud, "A Distributed Antivirus Database Management System using BlockChain", 11th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS- BlockChain Workshop, Bengaluru, India (COMSNETS 2019).
  7. Shanto Roy, Md. Ashaduzzaman, Mehedi Hassan, and Arnab Rahman Chowdhury, "BlockChain for IoT Security and Management: Current Prospects, Challenges and Future Directions", International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS 2018).
  8. Abdur Rahman, Shanto Roy, M Shamim Kaiser, and Md. Shahidul Islam, "A Lightweight Multi-Tier S-MQTT Framework to Secure Communication between Low-end IoT Devices", International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS 2018).
  9. Ahmedur Rahman Shovon, Shanto Roy, Tanusree Sharma, and Md. Whaiduzzaman, "A RESTful E-Governance Application Framework for People Identity Verification in Cloud", International Conference on Cloud Computing - 2018, Seattle, USA.
  10. Kaium Hossain, and Shanto Roy, "A Data Compression and Storage Optimization Framework for IoT Sensor Data in Cloud Storage", International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT) - 2018.
  11. Shahriar Setu, Shanto Roy, Farhana Sunny, Md Whaiduzzaman, "IoLT: An IoT based Intelligent Blended Learning and Research Platform in Higher Education", International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET 2018).
  12. Nishat Farjana, Shanto Roy, Md. Julkar Nayeen Mahi, and Md. Whaiduzzaman, "An Identity Based Encryption Scheme for Data Security in Fog Computing", International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2018).
  13. Shanto Roy, Ahmedur Rahman Shovon, and Md. Whaiduzzaman, "Combined Approach of Tokenization and Mining to Secure and Optimize Big Data in Cloud Storage", IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10 - HTC 2017).
  14. Shanto Roy, Abdur Rahman, Masuk Helal, M Shamim Kaiser, and Zamshed Iqbal Chowdhury, "Low Cost RF based Online Patient Monitoring using Web & Mobile Applications", International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV 2016).


University of Houston, TX, USA

Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science (May 2024)
MS in Computer Science (December 2022)

    Department: Computer Science

    Concentration: Cyber Security

    Publications: 07

    Projects: 10+

August 2019 - May 2024

Jahangirnagar University, BD

MS and BSc in Information Technology

    MS Thesis: Efficient Data Confidentiality in Cloud (Data Privacy)

    BSc Project: Low Cost Online Patient Monitoring (Embedded System)

    Publications: 02

December 2011 - December 2016

Skills & Certifications

Computer Science

    Cyber Security, Server/Network Admin, Data Analytics, DevOps/SRE.

    Programming/Scripting Languages: Python, Shell.

Cyber Security

    Areas: Cyber Deception, Reconnaissance, Cloud-IoT Security, Data Privacy, Security Awareness, Intrusion Detection.

    Frameworks: MITRE ATT&CK, Cyber Kill Chain.

    Security Tools: Metasploit, Wireshark, P0f, Nmap, Nessus, Snort, Suricata.

Data Analytics and Machine Learning

    Data Analytics: Pandas, Numpy, MS Excel.

    Data Visualization: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP.

    Machine/Deep Learning: Keras, Tensorflow.

Web Technologies

    Web Language: HTML, CSS, JS, PHP.

    Database: MySQL, PostGreSQL, MongoDB.

    CMS: Wordpress.

    Static Site framework: Jekyll.


    Base Skills: Research Methodology, System Design, Testbed Development, Human Evaluation, Writing, Documentation.

    Documentation: Latex, Google Workspace, MS Office.

    Presentation: Latex, Keynote, Google Slides, Powerpoint.

    Network Emulators: Common Open Research Emulator (CORE), GNS3.

    Testbed Development: Raspberry Pi, VirtualBox.


    Cloud Platforms: Openstack, Amazon AWS .

    DevOps and CI/CD: Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Jenkins.

    Version Control: Git, Github.

    Monitoring and alerting: Grafana, Splunk.

    Automation: Python, Shell, Selenium.


Google Cloud Platform

    GCP Associate Cloud Engineer (2024)

Red Hat Certification Number : 160-034-344

    Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) (2016)

    Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) (2016)

    RHCSA in Red Hat Openstack (2017)

Other Skills

    Teaching: Course Content Creation, Presentation, Conducting Course, Mentoring

    Documentation: Research Paper Writing, Blogging

    Leadership: Communication, Motivation, Positivity, Creativity, and Feedback


Reviewer Recognition

    Journal: IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (impact factor: 23.7), Publisher: IEEE
    Journal: IEEE Access (impact factor: 3.367), Publisher: IEEE
    Journal: Journal of Network and Computer Applications (impact factor: 6.281), Publisher: Elsevier

Research Fellowship and Grant

    Information & Communication Technology Research Fellowship June, 2016 - May, 2017

Received from Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MOICT) for my MS Thesis at Institute of Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. [Grant no: 56.00.0000.] [Grant List]

    Information & Communication Technology Special Fellowship May, 2019

Received from Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MOICT) for attending and presenting in COMSNETS-2019, Nengaluru, India. [Grant no: 56.00.0000.] [Grant List]

Mentorship Appreciation

    Appreciation as a Faculty Mentor Moderator 2019
    Appreciation as a Faculty Mentor Moderator 2018

Received from Green University of Bangladesh for my endeavors for the Student Mentorship Program.

Undergrad Contest Awards

    Net-War, 3rd position Telco Warfare 2014, EWU, BD
    IT Noesis Quiz, 1st Runner Up IT Fest 2014, DU, BD
    ICT Olympiad, 1st position ICT Fest 2014, IUT, BD
    ICT Olympiad, 3rd position ICT Fest 2013, IUT, BD