Data Science Work Environment setup on Linux/Mac
, R
, and Julia
- these languages are usually used in data science projects. In this tutorial we will see how to create a proper environment for working on data science projects.
Conda environment setupPermalink
We can directly install any language on the system. However, it is recommended to use virtual environments to avoid conflicts between using different versions of same language. For that purpose, we will use conda environment. We can use Anaconda or Miniconda. I prefer Miniconda
because it is lightweight and does not come with all the packages making the machine heavy. That means we will have to install packages if we need them. In Anaconda
, all packages are installed by default.
Install MinicondaPermalink
Download and install miniconda form here
- Last step enter
when prompted with the following message:Do you wish the installer to prepend the conda install location to PATH in your /root/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
- Symbolic link creation for
command- Create a hidden directory in user’s home directory
$ cd ~ $ mkdir .conda_links $ cd .conda_links
- Create symbolic links (Linux)
$ ln -s /home/$USER/miniconda3/bin/conda conda $ ln -s /home/$USER/miniconda3/bin/activate activate $ ln -s /home/$USER/miniconda3/bin/deactivate deactivate
- Create symbolic links (Mac)
Use your username instead of
.$ ln -s /Users/roy/miniconda3/bin/conda conda $ ln -s /Users/roy/miniconda3/bin/activate activate $ ln -s /Users/roy/miniconda3/bin/deactivate deactivate
- In
file, add the following (Linux)export PATH=/home/roy/.conda_links:$PATH
- In
file, add the following (Mac)export PATH=/Users/roy/.conda_links:$PATH
- Create a hidden directory in user’s home directory
- Check installation of
$ conda --version
Environment SetupPermalink
- Create a
virtual environment (my_lab is environment name and python version is 3.6)$ conda create --name my_lab python=3.6
- Check environment with following command:
$ conda info --envs
- Activate environment
$ source activate my_lab
- Deactivate environment
$ source deactivate
- Delete existing environment
$ conda remove --name my_lab --all
IDE setupPermalink
Install Jupyter NotebookPermalink
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install --upgrade ipython jupyter
$ jupyter notebook
Install Jupyter LabPermalink
Jupyter Lab
has a better IDE alike features than Jupyter Notebook
. Jupyter notebook is good enough for beginners. Advanced users may prefer Jupyter Lab over notebook.
$ pip install jupyterlab
Language SetupPermalink
comes with python
kernel by default. R
and Julia
kernels can be installed alongside. List of jupyter kernels is available in the official git repo.
Install Julia KernelPermalink
- Download Julia and install
- Run Julia CLI
- Enter the following commands:
julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.add("IJulia")
Now, julia will be available in Jupyter notebook/lab.
Install R kernelPermalink
- Download R and install
- Run R CLI
- Enter the following commands:
R> install.packages('IRkernel') R> IRkernel::installspec()
R> IRkernel::installspec(name = 'ir33', displayname = 'R 3.3')
Professional IDEPermalink
- Python –> PyCharm
- R –> R Studio
- Julia –> Julia Studio
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