10 minute read

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It’s the 11th day of the #100dayschallenge, and today I will discuss the different types of logs commonly used in SRE and how they can be used for monitoring and troubleshooting.

Logs are a critical component of monitoring and troubleshooting in SRE. Access logs, error logs, system logs, application logs, security logs, audit logs, and debug logs are all essential types of logs that contain valuable information about system behavior. By analyzing these logs, SREs can identify issues, diagnose problems, and optimize system performance.

So, I have planned the contents for next 100 days, and I will be posting one blog post each and everyday under the hashtag #100daysofSRE. ✌️

I hope you tag along and share valuable feedback as I grow my knowledge and share my findings. 🙌

Logs and Types of Logs

Logs are an essential aspect of monitoring and observability in SRE. A log is a record of events that have happened in a system. Logs can be used to troubleshoot problems, identify security threats, and improve the performance and reliability of systems.

Here are a few types of logs SREs typically focus on:

Access Logs:

Access logs are generated when a user or application accesses a system. These logs contain information about the request, such as the IP address, the date and time of the request, the URL accessed, and the user agent. Access logs help monitor system usage, identify unauthorized access attempts, and troubleshoot user issues.

Error Logs:

Error logs are generated when an error occurs in a system. These logs contain information about the error, such as the type of error, the time it happened, and the context in which it occurred. Error logs help identify system issues, diagnose conditions, and troubleshoot problems.

System Logs:

System logs are generated by the operating system or other system-level components. These logs contain information about system events, such as the startup and shutdown of the system, system resource usage, and hardware errors. System logs help monitor system performance, diagnose issues, and troubleshoot hardware and software problems.

Application Logs:

Application logs are generated by applications running on a system. These logs contain information about the application’s behavior, such as the functions executed, the data accessed, and the response times. Application logs help monitor application performance and diagnose and troubleshoot problems.

Security Logs:

Security logs are generated by security software or systems. These logs contain information about security events, such as failed login attempts, access control violations, and malware detections. Security logs help monitor system security and identify and troubleshoot security issues.

Audit Logs:

Audit logs are generated by auditing software or systems. These logs contain information about system events that interest auditors, such as user activity, system configuration changes, and policy violations. Audit logs help monitor compliance and identify and troubleshoot audit issues.

Debug Logs:

Debug logs are generated by software or systems for debugging purposes. These logs contain detailed application behavior information, such as function calls, variables, and execution paths. Debug logs help diagnose application issues, troubleshoot problems, and identify performance bottlenecks.

Log Analysis Techniques

Data Aggregation

Data aggregation is the process of combining log data from multiple sources into a single, unified view. This technique allows SRE teams to analyze data from different systems and applications in a centralized location, providing a more comprehensive understanding of system behavior. Data aggregation tools such as Logstash, Fluentd, and Apache Flume can gather and store log data from different sources.


Visualization represents log data in a graphical or tabular format, making it easier to identify patterns and anomalies. Visualization tools such as Kibana, Grafana, and Tableau provide dashboards and charts to display log data in a more accessible format. SRE teams can use visualization techniques to monitor system performance, identify trends, and gain insights into system behavior.

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection is the process of identifying patterns or events that deviate from the expected behavior of a system. This technique involves analyzing log data to detect unusual patterns or behaviors, such as spikes in traffic or increased error rates. Anomaly detection tools such as Elasticsearch, Splunk, and Sumo Logic can detect anomalies in log data and alert SRE teams to potential issues before they become critical.


Correlation analyzes log data from multiple sources to identify relationships and dependencies between systems or applications. This technique involves comparing log data from different sources to detect patterns and trends that may indicate a problem. Correlation tools such as Loggly, Graylog, and Datadog can correlate log data from different systems and applications, helping SRE teams quickly identify the root cause of issues.

Logging Frameworks and Tools

Here’s a list of 10 tools that are used for logging, log analysis, and management.

  1. Log4j: a Java-based logging framework that allows developers to log messages with different levels of severity. It supports various output destinations, including console, file, and network sockets. Log4j is highly configurable and supports log rotation, filtering, and pattern layout features. The tool is available at https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/.
  2. Logback: Another Java-based logging framework designed as a successor to Log4j. It provides faster and more efficient logging than Log4j. It supports various output destinations, including console, file, and remote destinations. Logback also includes features like asynchronous logging, filtering, and compression. It is available at https://logback.qos.ch/.
  3. Fluentd: An open-source data collector that supports various input sources, including logs, metrics, and events. It can collect and process logs from multiple sources and send them to different output destinations like Elasticsearch, MongoDB, and Amazon S3. Fluentd supports buffering and retrying of log messages, ensuring high availability and durability of log data. The tool is available at https://github.com/fluent/fluentd.
  4. Splunk: A popular log management platform that allows you to collect, index, and search logs from various sources. It supports real-time search and analysis of logs and provides features like alerts, dashboards, and visualizations. Splunk also has integrations with various third-party tools and services, making it a powerful logging solution. Splunk is a paid tool and available at https://www.splunk.com/.
  5. Graylog: An open-source log management platform that allows you to collect, index, and search logs from various sources. It also supports real-time search and analysis of logs and provides features like alerts, dashboards, and visualizations. Graylog also has integrations with various third-party tools and services, making it a powerful logging solution. It is available at https://github.com/Graylog2/graylog2-server.
  6. Papertrail: A cloud-based log management platform that allows you to collect, analyze, and visualize logs from various sources. It supports real-time search and analysis of logs and provides features like alerts, dashboards, and visualizations. Papertrail also integrates with various third-party tools and services, making it a powerful logging solution. The tools is available here: https://www.papertrail.com/
  7. Elasticsearch: An open-source search and analytics engine that can be used for log management. It allows you to store, search, and analyze large amounts of real-time log data. Elasticsearch also supports various data sources and output destinations, making it a flexible logging solution. It is available at https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch.
  8. Logstash: An open-source data collection and processing pipeline that can be used for log management. It can collect logs from various sources, process them, and send them to different output destinations like Elasticsearch and Amazon S3. Logstash also supports various data transformation and filtering options, making it a powerful logging tool. Logstash is available at https://github.com/elastic/logstash.
  9. Kibana: Kibana is an open-source data visualization and exploration platform that can be used for log management. It allows admin to create visualizations and dashboards based on your log data, making it easier to understand and analyze log data. Kibana also supports real-time search and analysis. It is available at https://github.com/elastic/kibana.

The ELK Stack is quite popular, which is a combination of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. It is available at https://www.elastic.co/what-is/elk-stack.

Best Practices

  1. Log everything. This means logging all events and messages from your applications, systems, and infrastructure. The more data you have, the better equipped you will be to troubleshoot problems and identify security threats.
  2. Define a Logging Strategy: Start by defining a strategy that includes what data should be logged, where it should be stored, and how it should be analyzed. Ensure logs are collected from all relevant sources, such as servers, applications, and network devices.
  3. Use Structured Logging: Use structured formats like JSON or XML instead of plain text to make logs easier to parse and analyze. Structured logging enables the creation of a centralized repository for logs that can be queried and analyzed quickly.
  4. Define Log Retention Policies: Define log retention policies that dictate how long logs should be kept and when they should be deleted. This ensures that logs are retained appropriately, which can lead to storage and security issues.
  5. Centralize your logs. Collect all of your logs in a central location so that they are easy to access and manage. This will also make it easier to search and analyze your logs.
  6. Use Log Aggregation: Log aggregation tools like Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) stack to centralize log data from multiple sources. Aggregated logs can be easily searched and analyzed, and correlations between different logs can be identified quickly.
  7. Implement Real-Time Alerting: Set up real-time alerting based on log data to identify and resolve issues immediately. Alerting can be found on specific log events or anomalies identified through log analysis.
  8. Filter your logs. Use filters to narrow down the scope of your logs so that you can focus on the information that is most relevant to your needs. This will save you time and effort when you are troubleshooting problems or identifying security threats.
  9. Utilize Visualization Tools: Use visualization tools like Grafana or Kibana to create dashboards and visualizations that provide real-time insight into system performance and help identify trends and anomalies in log data.
  10. Implement Anomaly Detection: Use machine learning techniques to detect anomalies in log data that may indicate a system issue or security breach. Anomaly detection tools can help identify patterns and trends in log data that are not easily identifiable through manual analysis.
  11. Monitor Log Collection: Monitor log collection to ensure that logs are collected consistently and accurately. Use tools like Nagios or Zabbix to monitor log collection and alert if logs are not collected, or collection rates drop below a certain threshold.
  12. Ensure Security: Log data may contain sensitive information, so log data is stored securely, and access is restricted to authorized personnel only. Use encryption and access control measures to protect log data from unauthorized access.
  13. Test Log Analysis Procedures: Test log analysis procedures regularly to ensure they are practical and efficient. Regular testing can identify areas for improvement and ensure that log analysis processes are updated as systems and processes change.
  14. Document your logging practices. Document your logging practices so that everyone on your team knows what to do and where to find the information they need. This will help to ensure that your logs are used effectively and efficiently.

Concluding Remarks

In Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), logging and log analysis play a critical role in ensuring system availability, identifying and troubleshooting issues, and monitoring performance.

Log analysis is critical for SRE teams to identify and resolve issues quickly. By using data aggregation, visualization, anomaly detection, and correlation techniques, SRE teams can gain insights into system behavior, detect anomalies, and identify the root cause of issues more quickly.

Using log analysis tools such as Logstash, Kibana, Elasticsearch, and Sumo Logic can also help automate the log analysis process, making it more manageable for SRE teams.

And then, by following the above-mentioned best practices, you can make the most of your logs and use them to improve the performance, reliability, and security of your applications.


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